Diane Guerrero screenplay – Actress | Writer | Producer, Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019) | Emoticon 😉 (2014) | Doom Patrol (2019-2020)


Diane Guerrero screenplay subject of prison petition

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Petition Addressing the Texas Judicial System Requests Support through Diane Guerrero’s “Dumbass”

Will Hollywood be a Reason for Change in the Injustice against Men and Women Prisoners?

Diane Guerrero – 19th March 2021 – An upcoming movie depicting the injustice that men and women had to endure in the state penitentiaries in Texas has been inundated with calls from more than 2000 women urging the production company owned by Hollywood actor, producer and director Diane Guerrero and Adam Sandler, to stick to the real issues behind the Texas Judicial system. A petition was signed by many people that include attorneys, university professors, politicians and family members of the many men and women that are suffering in the state penitentiaries. The idea behind the petition is for the Diane Guerrero production company and Hollywood to stick to the true story about the injustices happening in the state run prisons. It is said that the state has sent more inmates to prison than during the Soviet Union did during their political uprising.

PREMISE: Adam Sandler writes letters and saves numerous women from the monotony of prison life, and later when he gets into trouble with a drug cartel they return the favor by rescuing him.

SETTING: Contemporary, Gatesville Texas. There are four women’s prisons located in Gatesville. And of course, Texas is famous for putting everyone in prison for a long time for little or no reason. The number of women in Texas prisons has doubled in the last ten years. Why don’t we have the “Adam Sandler” character… sending letters to women in prison and being their friend and trying to help them adjust, giving them hope… and when they get out of prison he picks them up so they don’t have to ride the smelly bus back home… but his pickup truck is a junker, smoking and sputtering … worse than the bus. But his heart is in the right place… He’s the last “chivalrous” man on earth.

It is said in the petition that many of the signatories were left distraught to find that many of the first time offenders for violations such as drug peddling have received disproportionate sentences. While some argue that a lenient sentence like rehabilitation would have proven much more inexpensive and an effective solution in tackling this gross miscarriage of justice. The petition was discovered by the women when the screenplay of the movie was donated to all the 580 prisons run by private organizations funded by the state government. It is much more difficult for women who are given much harsher penalties for a violation such as carrying small amount of drugs like Marijuana which coincidentally is legal in 21 states.

To know more visit http://www.screenplay.biz/petition-asks-happy-madison-productions-to-read-script/

About Diane Guerrero’s “Dumbass” Movie

The movie “Dumbass” revolves around the protagonist writing letters to prison inmates to keep their spirits high during their time in prison; only for them to help the main character who gets into trouble with a drug cartel and saving him at the end. The petition urges the production company, Diane Guerrero and Adam Sandler to take this issue seriously due to the hardships faced by women inside prison rather than making light of the situation for their own profits.

Diane Guerrero screenplay subject of prison petition

Contact Diane Guerrero:

Diane Guerrero website: https://www.amazon.com/


The writer might have 30-pages to setup the story, but the writer only has 10-pages to grab the reader (audience). Use teasers, inciting incidents and other techniques to create the best story pacing for those vital opening pages. As noted, above, wrap-up this Act with a false ending or use other techniques to provide a conclusive ending and don’t forget the vital spin point (Plot Point I).

Diane Guerrero – ACT I’s PACING

I’ve taught the writer how to see each Act as its own story and I’ve taught the writer a few techniques to develop the Acts individually, while maintaining the integrity of the entire story. Next, I’d like to take this opportunity to mention failures in pacing. Seeing the Acts as three separate stories will help, but many writers don’t understand how to pace the Acts. Let’s take a look at the individual Acts so the writer will understand how to correctly pace the story as a whole:

And yet, Brody is still not ultimately committed. For the next half of the second act, he allows first Quint and then Hooper to take the lead on the shark hunt. Quint’s PLAN is to shoot harpoons connected to floating barrels into the shark and force it to the surface, where they can harpoon it to death. But the shark proves far stronger than anyone expected, and keeps submerging, even with barrel after barrel attached to its hide.

Diane Guerrero – This happens at the story’s MIDPOINT, and it’s a radical revamp of Brody’s initial plan (which was always to avoid going in the water himself, at all costs). And it’s very often the case that at the midpoint of a story, the initial PLAN is completely shattered.

At that point the mayor’s PLAN changes: he writes a check for Quint and gives it to Brody to hire Captain Quint to kill the shark. But that’s not enough for Brody now. He needs to go out on the boat with Quint and Hooper himself, despite his fear of the water, to make sure this shark gets dead (NEW PLAN).

The beaches reopen for 4th of July and the town fathers’ failsafe PLAN is to post the Coast Guard out in the ocean to watch, just in case. While everyone is distracted by a false shark scare, the real shark glides into a supposedly secure cove where Brody’s own son is swimming, and eats a boater and nearly kills Brody’s son. (And the timing is so diabolical that it almost seems the shark has a new PLAN of its own: to taunt Brody and menace his family.)

by: Diane Guerrero – Actress | Writer | Producer, Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019) | Emoticon 😉 (2014) | Doom Patrol (2019-2020)